Well, how's everyone tonight? I'm doing pretty good, really tired. I had to take call again last night because the nurse on call was sick and no one would take it, so I took the night and as usual I had to work. Got home about 11 p.m., and my little one was awake. He said his soccer coach told them to write down the definition of soccer and bring it to practice today. Well needless to say, no one had helped him look it up, so we did it at 11:20 last night. We popped us some popcorn and looked it up on the computer and wrote it down. I think we got to bed about 12:15. I was definitely draggin this am. I have not taken any call in about 6 months, and 2 days /nights in a row, and working some of that time after an 8 hour day really got to me. And to top it all off, my boss asked me to stay late today, and I said no. It is really taking everyone longer than I thought to realize I am not the manager anymore, and I am not going to do all that extra stuff anymore. Today when I got home from work we had to go get new shoes for school--1st day tomorrow!!! I am going to take him to meet his teacher in the morning and then I am going on to work. After the shoes we had soccer practice again, but hubby took him and I stayed home and cooked supper.
A co-worker asked me to make a birthday card for her daughter. I started on it yesterday, and finished it this am before I went to work--no wonder I am so tired!! I had planned to make several cards last night, but that will be tomorrows project. This card is random card stock, background paper and ribbon from a kit I had, the flowers are from my stash. I used Close to My Heart markers to color some of the images. I paperdolled the chair, shirt, and pants from random background paper. It takes a lot of time to paperdoll those tiny clothes, but I think it gives the card character. The Happy Birthday stamp and the inside sentiment are from Close to My Heart. The inside sentiment says:"Hope you have a special day full of joy and fun and play" The girl stamp is PMSabella from stampinbella.
Tomorrow brings no definite thing I have to do except meet teacher and work. We will be in the 3rd grade this year and everyone says it is not a fun year. My oldest did not like 3rd grade and my middle loved it. I think it all has to do with the teacher. There are 3 teachers--one they say is a booggar. Simon says he really does not care who he gets, but the one everyone talks about is #3 on the list!! He says he likes her, but he likes the others better, so we will see. I will let you know tomorrow if we got who he wanted. I better go get him ready for bed and me too. Ya'll have a blessed evening and I will see ya tomorrow.
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