Thank you for all the concerned comments and emails. I am fine and so are the family. We had a wonderful vacation in Florida, and when we got back school started and things got hectic. I have not been able to get motivated to stamp. I think my mind was spinning too fast. This week though I got back into the groove. Simon started the fourth grade--wow time flies!! Carre started her second of year of nursing school. This time next year she should be done and working. Doss started his job and is really likeing it. Everybody is here most of the time now and it is really neat. I have more to do, but I love the nights when everybody is here for supper. I have been reading a lot and doing a lot more cooking that normal. I started reading while on vacation, and have been using this for my escape from reality. I have just about read all the books I had stock piled, so I see more stamping in the future. Lots of things going on here. My best friend came over before I left and told me she was going to be a grandmother again. Last year her oldest had a little girl, and this year her youngest is going to have twin boys. We have been going through the smocking books getting ready for Christmas. She has not picked out just which patterns she wants done, but as soon as she does I will start on them. She is so calm, I would be nuts!! Her daughter is doing fine, but one of the babies is not growing as much as the other. Please include them in your prayers. My family is great at the moment, and I thank God everyday for this. You never know what can happen in an instant these days. The card above is made with Brazzil card stock and Ki designer paper--grasshopper. The stamp is from Unity Stamps and the felt butterflies are from Heidi Swapp. The fibers are some I have had for ever. Ya'll take care. Be safe, be happy, and be healthier. Please pray for my dad, he is having some medical problems also. God bless ya'll!!!!