Update on the babies--Logan is coming home tomorrow. Yea! Yea! Yea! Landon is planned to come home in two weeks. He will have to come home on oxygen though, but that is minor to where they have been. I appreciate all the prayers that ya'll have given for these two. God is great and he has blessed my friend and her family with these beautiful babies.
Ya'll take care now. My family is really spread out this holiday. Me and little buddie (Simon) are home, Carre is in Gatlinburg with friends welcoming in the new year--they called me at 2 am to tell me Happy New Year and they were in for the night. God bless youth!! Doss is up a tree somewhere hunting, I will see him later in the day, Daddy is also hunting, but he also will be home this afternoon, and Jack (hubby) is in New Orleans working. Have a blessed day, hug your loved ones, and stay warm( it is even cold here!!). God bless ya'll!!!!!!
Oh, almost forgot. Saw this while blog hopping this am--2009 is the year of the cupcake!! Cupcakes are happy and I think I will also follow this. Have you ever seen a cupcake that did not make you smile?? Take care!!
I love the motto, I think I'll start living by those words while eating cupcakes.
Happy New Year to you too.
I was reading about your friend's grandchildren. My oldest son's name is Landon... You don't hear that name very often.
Have a great weekend. Create away!!!
I recieved your comment on my blog the other day dear and it just made me feel so good. So I wanted to award you with this AWARD
Hugs Donalda
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