Hope the guy in the big red suit has made his visit. These are photos of my family taken last night when we had our Christmas get together. The first pic is me and Jack. The second pic is me, my daddy, and my kids. I wish ya'll the blessings of the season and love, happiness, health and safety for the future. God is great and his blessings are plentiful. Enjoy your day with family and friends. Take care. Merry Christmas and God bless ya'll!!!!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Hope the guy in the big red suit has made his visit. These are photos of my family taken last night when we had our Christmas get together. The first pic is me and Jack. The second pic is me, my daddy, and my kids. I wish ya'll the blessings of the season and love, happiness, health and safety for the future. God is great and his blessings are plentiful. Enjoy your day with family and friends. Take care. Merry Christmas and God bless ya'll!!!!
Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas!!!

The card above is an invitation I made for my daughter and her friends dirty Santa party they do every year. I cased the idea from a card I got in a swap. The card was made by Yolanda--sorry but that is all I know of her name. If you read this let me know who you are and I will give you full credit. The dress is colored with red marker from CTMH and red glitter applied. The stamp is Winabella from Stampin Bella, and the cardstock and designer paper are from CTMH and I do not know who made the designer paper. I had gotten it to make paper ornaments, but never did, so when the girls needed these invites, I used it for that.
I want to wish everyone a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and I hope your holidays are filled with many blessings. Be safe, be healthy, be warm and may GOD BLESS YA'LL!!!!!!!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Play it forward

I participated in a Play it Forward several weeks ago, and I received my "happy" last week. It was these images from Patti
The object of the game is to keep "happies" going all around. It is now my turn to offer a play it forward. If you would like to participate, leave a comment. I will pick 3 names and I will send each of you a "happie". You in turn will offer it on your blog and you will have to send to those wanting to play. It is really fun, and I hope I get some good participation. It can be anything, images, ribbon, paper, embellishments, whatever you would like. Hope to hear from you soon. God bless ya'll.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Ho! Ho! Ho!

Merry Christmas!! My little one had his 3rd grade play last night and he was Santa. These are some of the fun pictures from the night. The first one is him in his suit. The school supplied the suit, but it fit me. I had to make it fit him. I made him a bolster out of pillows that he could slide on and off. When he got to school for the morning performance, he could not fit in his desk. Check out those bare feet. It was 70 degrees here that morning and he was so hot, but he was a real trooper and did not fuss. He did wear shoes in the play. He looks like he has been squished in a compactor, and made into a miniature Santa. The next pic is an upclose of his face. I love the glasses. The last is him with his elf ( had several elves at first, but they would not learn their parts, so the music teacher fired them, he said) and his reindeer. It was a great play and the kids did wonderful. The title was "40 Winks for Christmas."
Now I can finish my shopping and start cooking. It has really been a hectic week, but the weekend should be calmer. The big kids are out of school, and everyone did wonderful with their grades. We have 1 semester of nursing school down and boy am I glad. Little buddie gets out Tuesday. Mu oldest is home for the holidays and he and Carre's boyfriend are heavy into hunting. We are going out to eat and celebrate exams being over with my daughter in a little while, so I guess I better go for now. I will see ya tomorrow with some cards I am finishing as gifts sets for teachers and friends. Take care and God bless ya'll!!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
I've been tagged!

I was checking my mail a little while ago, and I have been tagged by Tangi http://tangerinesdreamcreations.blogspot.com/. She has a great blog and some wonderful creations. Ok, 7 things about myself:
1. I am an only child.
2. Tangi, I locked my keys in the car one time with my 15 month old in the car!! I got out to run in the beauty shop for a quick second, and automatically locked the doors. We did not have AAA then, and I had to get my husband to leave work and bring an extra set of keys. BIG TROUBLE!!!!
3. I love country music.
4. I love paper piercing, especially the clothes on the Bellas.
5. I plan on semi retiring from nursing as soon as I get my big kids out of college. I want to only work 2-3 days a week and the other time I want to spend it playing with my paper products and making my pottery. I make pottery, but I have not done much lately. Here is a link to my blog if anyone wants to look http://roughedgespottery.blogspot.com/
6. I spend a week in Florida every summer with my kids. We love Destin.
7. My kids are 22 y/o, 20 y/o and 9 y/o. I had a little surprise package
that keeps my young. I delivered at 41!!! All healthy and he is an absolute angel.
I think at this point I am to tag some others, so here it goes. I tag
1. Dawn Easton http://treasureoilerdesignz.blogspot.com/
2. Carol Weimer http://papersnob.blogspot.com/
3. Michelle http://www.bellakittycreations.blogspot.com/
4. Nancy Morgan http://papersmiles.blogspot.com/
Hope you ladies have fun with this, and I will be checking to see what your answers are. Have a great evening and God bless ya'll.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Jen's Sketch Challenge

Just a quick note to say I hope everyone is fine and their weekend has been blessed. Mine has and I will be talking about that later. Enjoy your day and God bless ya'll!!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Bag Tags

I received notice this weekend that my card I did for the monthly CTMHfriends group on yahoo won. It is the O Come Let Us Adore Him card that it on a earlier post. It won the sketch challenge. There were some awesome cards done last month, and I want to congratulate everyone for doing such great work. There are really some gals on there with some wonderful talent. I hope ya'll are doing fine. Quiet here on the homefront. School is winding down for all and I think I will be as excited as they are when Christmas break arrives. I better get some rest. I went back to work today, and I am really exhausted. Take care and may God bless ya'll. See ya soon here on the blog.