I was checking my mail a little while ago, and I have been tagged by Tangi http://tangerinesdreamcreations.blogspot.com/. She has a great blog and some wonderful creations. Ok, 7 things about myself:
1. I am an only child.
2. Tangi, I locked my keys in the car one time with my 15 month old in the car!! I got out to run in the beauty shop for a quick second, and automatically locked the doors. We did not have AAA then, and I had to get my husband to leave work and bring an extra set of keys. BIG TROUBLE!!!!
3. I love country music.
4. I love paper piercing, especially the clothes on the Bellas.
5. I plan on semi retiring from nursing as soon as I get my big kids out of college. I want to only work 2-3 days a week and the other time I want to spend it playing with my paper products and making my pottery. I make pottery, but I have not done much lately. Here is a link to my blog if anyone wants to look http://roughedgespottery.blogspot.com/
6. I spend a week in Florida every summer with my kids. We love Destin.
7. My kids are 22 y/o, 20 y/o and 9 y/o. I had a little surprise package
that keeps my young. I delivered at 41!!! All healthy and he is an absolute angel.
I think at this point I am to tag some others, so here it goes. I tag
1. Dawn Easton http://treasureoilerdesignz.blogspot.com/
2. Carol Weimer http://papersnob.blogspot.com/
3. Michelle http://www.bellakittycreations.blogspot.com/
4. Nancy Morgan http://papersmiles.blogspot.com/
Hope you ladies have fun with this, and I will be checking to see what your answers are. Have a great evening and God bless ya'll.
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