I have been tagged by Heidi from Heartfelt Blessings. Here is the questionaire I am to fill out:
1. Name your 2 favorite Scrapbooking topics: My children are number 1, and the kids on the pages I do for others would be #2.
2. What are the 2 best places you've been to? Destin, Florida--the prettiest beaches I have ever seen, and Washington, D. C.--went there with Carre, aka middle child, on a school trip when she was in the 8th grade
3. Name 2 things you do every day: try to talk to each of my kids and make sure they are ok, and one of my cats and I drink coffee each morning with him in my lap while I check my email.
4. Name 2 things that pretty much everyone knows about you: My family is #1 in my life, and I love helping others.
5. What are your 2 favorite stores? at this moment in my like, Stampin Bella and My Favorite Things stamps
6. What are your 2 favorite accessories to stamp/scrap with? Ribbon, and flowers
7. What are your two favorite occasions to make cards for?Friendship and happies just to make someone smile.
8. What two things do alot of people NOT know about me? I cry when I get mad and them I get madder at myself and cry more; #2- I really do not have anything else--I am me everyday of my life, no holding back, and if you see or talk with me today, tomorrow that same person will be there.
I am supposed to tag two people: let's see--------Lynn Put of the Queen's Scene http://thequeensscene.blogspot.com and Jennifer Hodge
Ya'll have a blessed day and I will see ya tomorrow!!!!
Your Bella card is so pretty, I like how you paper pieced some of her clothes!
Thanks for the tag, it was fun!
This is such a pretty card...
Thanks Patsy for the "Pay it Forward" RAK. I will post it on my blog and pay it forward.
I thank you so much for the Bellas and Fellas (chocolates goodies too) for me to play with.
Best wishes, Bela
Hi Patsy! I love your Bella card! I love the bold colors. . .it's stunning.
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