Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What A Great Day!!!!!!!!

It has been an overwhelming day for me. Tomorrow is my birthday, and I did not know I had so many friends. First I received some stamped images, brads and eyelets from Jennifer. She made me the cutest card. Next, I got a $20.00 gift certificate to Stampin Bella, a scalloped circle punch (which I have been dying to get), and some neat paper and cardstock from LeAnne (my bella sister). She also made me a beautiful card. Then the florist called and my best friend (who now lives in Atlanta) sent me some bath gel and a candle. My kids got me a double boiler (mine has come up missing) and a wind chime. Last, a friend stopped by from work and gave me some more bath gel. This has benn the best day, I have had in a long while.

The bag tag above is something I made for a challenge, but now that I have submitted it, it is going in the mail tomorrow for someone for a RAK. Everything on the bag tag is from my stash, and most are scraps except the brayered paper that is layered over the cardstock. I have the best time making these, and on the back is the name or initial of who gets it. I will post the cards from my friends tomorrow on my post. hope ya'll are fine, and may God bless all!!!


Michelle said...

Happy Birthday! I am glad that you had such a great day!
The above tag is super cute!

Anonymous said...

Wow and it even got there before your birthday! Perfect! Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! I am glad your presents arrived on time and that you had such a great day!



Becca said...

Hey Patsy..tomorrow is your the mail I will mail you a little something tonight.

Scrappy Moments said...

Happy Birthday. I Love The Tag. I thought it was acrylic when I first saw it. Love The red ,black & white, so pretty together :)


Lynn Put said...

This is really cool, sorry I missed your birthday!

Michele Kovack said...

Love the tag!!! Love all that ribbon! Happy Birthday! Glad you had a great day!

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