This is my bella I did for my self. Everything used is from my random stock. The name was printed off the computer. I did the clothes like paperdolls. I stamped them on background paper and cardstock, then cut them out and stuck them on as if it was a paperdoll. I made myself a set of 10 to use when I needed to send someone a personal note. 2 days til we leave for Florida. I cannot wait. My daughter and her boyfriend are leaving tomorrow and going to the coast and stay with one of his cousins for a couple of days. My oldest son and a friend are leaving Saturday and going to the coast to the casino for a night. I am leaving Saturday and going to Gulf Shores, AL. to visit some friends there for a night. Then we will all meet in Destin on Sunday. We check in Sunday and leave Saturday or Sunday. I have been watching the weather and see no sign of a hurricane yet. Several times when we have gone this late we have had to deal with hurricanes. We have only had to evacuate once, and we drove north and stayed somewhere for 2 days, and then went back to the most beautiful weather. There was a lot of sea weed in the water that time, but it did not stop us from having fun. Please include us in your prayers for a safe journey. The driving is the only thing that bothers me. I am not taking my car, and I am afraid this is going to drive me crazy. We can only have 3 cars for parking, and my friend who is going with us has a van, so we have decided to go in hers. I can drive the kids cars, but I just like mine!!! I will post tomorrow, and then my next post will have lots of fun pics from the trip. I always take too many pics. God Bless Ya'll and have a pleasant night.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

These are some cards I did a long time ago. I cased this idea from a web site, and I am so sorry but I did not write it down and I do not know who to give credit to. This is a Stampin Up set and I used random paper and ribbon.
Little one is some better, but I am going to stay home with him tomorrow because he really wants his momma with him. I have had a very trying week so far at work, and I really need a break. I plan on getting everything ready for our trip tomorrow and start packing. Lost my drivers license and went today to get a new one. UGH!! YOU SHOULD SEE THE MUG SHOT!!!! All that is left is to pack and GO-------Saturday cannot get here fast enough!!!!! Guess I will say good night for now. Need to get something going for supper. Take care and be blessed.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
These are 2 of the scrapbook pages that I did for my daughter's scrapbook at the end of her senior year of high school. It took me 3 different books to get it all together. This is the last day of school for her. The title is "Once Upon a Time". It is done with paper and embellishments from the monthly kits I get from Paper Posies. (If you have never been to their site and seen their kits, I recommend you do so--They are really neat and very cost The sayings on the page include "Some pursue happiness; others create it"--"Walk softly and leave a big impression"--and the one on the second page says,"We are never more fully alive, more completely ourselves,or more deeply engrossed in anything than when we are playing".The day started with a walk down the halls by the entire class, then to the gym to pick up their graduation caps and gowns and receive last minute instructions for times and rehearsals, then time to say good-bye to their teachers and undergrad friends. The day ended with a wonderful picnic at a students house with a slide show of their years in high school. We were asked to send in 10-12 pictures and they were put to music. It was really an awesome day. I believe this is some of my favorite pages that I have done. The albums are some of my best work.
This week is dragging. My youngest has an ear infection, red throat, and stopped up head. We started an antibiotic this morning after we left the doc. He is no worse this afternoon, so I hope we caught it in time. Dr. B told him this morning no more swimming until he got to Florida this weekend. He was telling us that his ear did not hurt, and after the nurse assistant took him out of the room, Dr. B told me "That ear has got to really be hurting. He is really being brave because he thinks I am going to tell you he cannot go on vacation" I agree!! If he is not 100% better by Thursday, we have to go back, because Dr. B said," I am going to get him well. I am not going to let his trip be ruined." This man is the greatest man I know. I can remember when I first started nursing I would see him late nights down in the medical library doing research because he had a sick baby upstairs. He would never leave until that baby was OK. I wish they still made docs like that. Occasionally in my 27 year career I have seen some like him, but unfortunately they are few and far between these days.
Well I am rambling tonight. I guess I better stop so you can go check out some more bloggers. Have a great evening and may God bless all!!! Please pray for our troops!!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Saturday, July 21, 2007

This is a card I made today. The cardstock is from Close to My Heart. The flower is a stamp from them also that I stamped and then did a second image without reinking. I layered them and placed a random button in the center. The background paper is Basic Grey. The ribbon and little blingies are from my stash--don't know when or where I got them--and the words are a Stampin Up stamp. Hope you enjoy.

Good Morning!!! I woke up this morning with a burst of energy I have not had in a while. I am finishing projects and cleaning my stamp and craft room. THIS COULD TAKE DAYS!!!!! My daughter just moved into a new house, and she asked me to finish this so she could use it as a suncatcher. The pottery angel had been finished for a while, I just had not strung the beads. I am going to take it to her afterwhile. She has been taking my pottery down and moving it to her house. I guess I will just have to get busy and make some more for me. I have to make some cards for a friend later and I will post after I am finished. See ya later!!
Friday, July 20, 2007

Well, the last time we talked I was just beginning the week after I resigned from my position at work. It has been a really good week. The staff is just great and the doctors have been very supportive. They all seem to understand and do not blame me one bit for getting out of the politics. They say I stayed a lot longer than they would have. The staff is still uneasy as to who will replace me, and will that person stand up for them as I did. I feel like it will all work out well.
Plans for the weekend-----get ready to go on vacation!!!! We leave for Florida in 7 days. I cannot wait. We go every summer and it is my time to relax. No hubbies--just me, my kids, a couple of their friends, one of my best friends and her kids. This will be the second year in a row that my friend and her children go. Our children are close to the same age--the little one--and this gives him someone to play with. My big kids take their own cars and after a day at the beach with us, they go do their own thing. It is really a great time. My big kids do the grill cooking and I really do not have to do anything. You know I have a tendency to say my big kids and my little--let me explain son-21; daughter-20; son-9. The little surprise package!!! He is what God gave me to keep me young.
My friend Denise Bryant- has listed me as a Rockin' Girl Blogger. I have been trying to put the banner on this site, but that too is a task I have been unable to complete. I am not very computer savy, so if anyone would like to leave advice on how to do it, please leave comment or email me- TIA. Denise just started a new blog at Blogger. Please go check it out!!!!
Well, my friend Jeni- just called and she ordered a Cuttlebug and some embossing folders this week, and the embossing folders came in but not the Cuttlebug, so she is coming over in a little while and use my Cuttlebug with her new folders. Her site is really good also. Please go visit her also. Well I guess I better be going--sorry I got a little long winded!!! Have a great weekend and God bless all !
Monday, July 16, 2007
Hey ya'll!! I love the bella's. I have several, and plan on getting more. This is a card I did for my beautician. She is great. I send my kids anytime they can go, and then I usually am the last one to get there. She always works us in. I made a set of these for her and then made a holder for them to go in. I went back to work today and it was great. All I did was take care of my patients, and when people came to me with problems, if I could help them I would, but if it was something controversial I sent them to my boss. I really felt good. I got off on time and that is something I have not done in quite a while. My daughter is moving back home to go to nursing school and we have been redoing my daddy's rental house for her to live in. We have just about finished the inside, and they started painting the outside today. It is really going to be cute. My dad hired her boyfriend to help him, and when I got home she was painting and my oldest son had come to help also. They really were having a good time, and daddy was sitting in the chair supervising!!!! I hope you have had a great day, and thanks for stopping by and checking out my stuff. See ya tomorrow!!!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Good Morning!! This is a set of cards and a card holder that I made as a RAK for someone who helped me. The paper is from Close to my Heart, and the embellishments are from my randon stash. I had surgery several months ago, and these were given to one of the nurses that took care of me. I hope you have had a great week. I am just glad it is the weekend. I made a major decison yesterday that I have been dwelling over for many months. I believe it is one of the best decisions I have made in my life. I resigned from my managerial position at work. I told my family Thursday night of my decision, but that it would probably be the first of the year. Well that didn't last very long!!! I have been praying for help with this decision, and something happened Friday that showed me it was time now. I think I put a lot of people in shock, but I told them it will be ok. I cannot wait to get back to straight nursing, straight patient care and not all the politics. I will be able to spend lots more time with my family. I have been working 10-12 hour days, and that is not including the phone calls at home. I start Monday with an 8 hour shift {which is what I was supposed to only work anyway}. My little one {9 y/0} put it best. When I told him I was going to change something at work so I would be home a lot more --his only reaction was "YES!!!!!!". I know it will not be an overnight change---they have already called me this morning with a problem, but I talked them through it wilthout going out there---but it will be fine eventually. My little one and I are off to Wally World {Walmart} for household supplies, and then the pool for as long as we want!! Hope your day is great, and I will see you tomorrow!!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The paper, cardstock, ribbon, and embellishments are random pieces out of my stash. The stamp is Stampin up. Enjoy your evening and I will see ya tomorrow.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I dabble in pottery as well as card making and these are some of my pieces I have made. I also do chip and dip sets, crosses, and bowls. It's nothing fancy or great, but I am proud of my pieces. The cotton boll tray is one of my favorites. Our town is called the "cotton capital of the world" and in October when you are traveling down the surrounding highways, it looks like snow on the ground. It is really a neat site to see. Better go. Have a great evening.