I hope everyone had a blessed weekend and rested. I have been cleaning, started painting Simon's room and card making. I did this little number yesterday. The paper is from the Stylin CTMH paper packet. The stamp is from the Stampin Up set Friendship Flowers. I did my first attempt at faux stitching---I free handed it. I do not have a template to go by. The flower brads are from Picture Perfect Scrapbook Company. I punched the circles with my small round punch and the pink round brads are from CTMH, the bigger size. I love this pink and black combination.
I am settling in for another week. We have a soccer game tomorrow night. After that it is pretty quiet until the weekend and I am on call again Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We have this new thing starting tomorrow at school. The kids will be given a debit card and we will be given a username and password for our child. This will enable us to see what your child is eating each day, and we will be able to know how much money is on the debit card and when we need to send more. We will be able to handle all of it on line. I am excited because I never know what he is eating, and I just send money each Monday. I think last year at the end of the year we had money left over. I know we did. Needless to say they did not refund me or roll it over to this year. We also are starting this year to be able to go on line and keep up with their grades. They have been doing this for about a year and a half, but we have just gotten old enough to be included.
My oldest came home this weekend. He is getting ready to hunt. You will be hearing a lot about him during this time because we will see a lot more of him. He got 3 packages delivered this week and it was all hunting stuff. He is really neat about this hunting. He is very selective about what he will shoot. He has 3-4 cameras in the woods year round. He knows the deer, names them and almost protects them from crazy hunters. He lives and dreams hunting, always has. He videos some of his trips and does commentary with it. He is a really a neat young man--almost said kid, but he is now 22. He always finds time to spend with his little brother when he is home. Somewhere on this computer, I have a picture of him with a 60 pound catfish he hand grabbed last year. I will have to find it and post it. It is impressive.
Well supper is almost ready and the laundry needs to go in the dryer. Have a blessed week ya'll and stay healthy, happy and safe. Please continue to pray for our troop and their families. GOD BLESS YA"LL!!!!!
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