Saturday, May 31, 2008
Confusion Challenge

Thursday, May 29, 2008
B Happy

Good Morning. It is the beginning of a beautiful day here. The past couple of days it has rained, but the sun is shining today. My daughter started her externship at the hospital today. She came by this a.m. at 5:30 to see if I thought she looked ok. She reminded me of when she was little and always had to have a model show to see what she looked like before going anywhere. She is really nervous. She is going to work in the ER doing 12 hour shifts. It is really a good program. They have a preceptor that works with them, and basicly they do all normal nursing skills. I am real excited for her. The little one is in Vacation Bible School in the mornings this week and football camp in the afternoons. I let him ride his bike today to the church. It is about 8 blocks from our house. Last night was family night. I did not know about it until I got home from work, and we had about 30 minutes to get there. My husband came in as we were going out the door. He only had about 10 minutes. Bless his heart. He just went in his work clothes. He is real picky about looking good before he leaves the house, and it was funny to see him not all together. Once he ate though, he was like who cares what we look like. My oldest son is working on catfish boxes for the hand grabbing season. If you are a regular, you will remember that pic of the big catfish last year. If you did not see it, it is very impressive. Go to older posts and look. September 17, 2007 He goes back to school this weekend to finish his degrees. There are two courses he can take to get a 2nd degree, and he decided to do that before he leaves and gets a job. He will be gone for 3 weeks. It looks like he may have a lead on a job. The place he had thought about applying to is laying off people, not in his field, but still it made him uncertain about the future, so he is going a different route. I hope it works out for him. His idea is really a good one.
The card above was so much fun to make. I love paper piercing. It takes a lot of time, but I am truely addicted to it. The cardstock and designer paper came in my new monthly kit from Paper Posies. The designer paper and the chipboard letter are from Prima Marketing-Just Corina, the Dude Collection. The stamped image is from Stampin Bella-Ipodabella. The "HAPPY" stamp is one I won at a Stampin Up home party years ago. I believe it was the first time I was introduced to stamping. The ribbon is from my personal stash. I plan on stampin this a.m., and going to pottery this afternoon, so maybe I will have some new projects tomorrow. Ya'll have a great day. Be safe, hug your loved ones, , and God bless ya'll. See ya later!!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Birthday Card

I would like to start showcasing new blogs. Today I want to mention 2 that are just getting started. The first is by Nicky http://www.creationsbynicky.blogspot.com/ She has some great cards already on her blog. Go take a look at tell her what a great job she is doing. The other is by Jaqueline http://sparklescharmsandbows.blogspot.com/ She has some great artwork and neat family photos. Both of these ladies are doing wonderful and I know they would love some comments and encouragements.
I said a while back that I was going to start Sunday Encouragements. Well this week it is going to be on Tuesday. I received this from a friend a while back and I loved it and wanted to share:
Life Is a Gift
Today before you say an unkind word - Think of someone who can't speak. Before you complain about the taste of your food - Think of someone who has nothing to eat. Before you complain about your husband or wife - Think of someone who's crying out to GOD for a companion. Today before you complain about life - Think of someone who went too early to heaven. Before you complain about your children - Think of someone who desires children but they're barren. Before you argue about your dirty house someone didn't clean or sweep - Think of the people who are living in the streets.
I hope you have had a wonderful day filled with many blessings. Take card, hug your loved ones, be safe, and may God bless ya'll!!!
Monday, May 26, 2008

Today is a day to reflect on our lives and to take honor in the lives of all the sodiers that have defended our country. Freedom is a gift, and one that has cost this world greatly. The lives of men and women that have been lost and are still being lost daily should always be remembered, not just today. These brave, young people are the reason you and I can sleep at night, and have the freedoms that we do. I have been fortunate to not have lost a family member to any war. My grandfather, father, and other family members have fought in wars, but by the grace of God they have all come home. The families of all soldiers should be remembered, because they are rocks. I cannot imagine one of my children being off at war. I am proud to be an American, and proud to be a brother or sister to each and everyone that has made this country proud. GOD BLESS AMERICA AND ALL OUR SOLDIERS AND THEIR FAMILIES!!!
I am planning to cook out this afternoon. Barbeque, potato salad, beans all the bad stuff. Heard this am on the news that an average plate of the above would run about 2000 calories---well, I just cannot go through Memorial Day without a cookout. The big kids are going to the lake with friends. They will be in dark thirty with usually an extra or two. Jack and Simon are going to the pool. They will be back around 5. It will be me ,the cats and dogs home cooking, which is just the way I like it. I hope ya'll enjoy your holiday. Hug your loved ones, and remember those whose loved ones are not here.
The cardstock, designer paper, stamp, ribbon are all from Papertrey Ink. I love there stuff. The saying is from the Hope and Peace stamp set by Stampin Up. Take care and God bless ya'll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Beate and Taylor's Challenge's

These are the other two challenges I have done this weekend. This first is Beate's http://beate.blogs.splitcoaststampers.com/ The cardstock is from Paper Posies and the designer paper is form Scenic Route. The baubles are from Stampin Bella. The stamped image is from the Peace and Comfort set by Stampin Up. The ribbon is from my stash. It is challenge WSC49 on SCS.
The second photo is for Taylor's challenge. It is her weekly Friday Cupcake challenge http://www.tayloredexpressions.blogspot.com/ The cardstock/designer paper is from CTMH. The stamped images are from several different stamped sets, the girl is from CTMH's Sleepover, the cupcake is from SweetnSassy's Chocoholic, and the saying is from Hanna Stamps. Everything is colored with CTMH markers, and I used glitter and stickles for embellishments. This challenge is TECC17 on SCS.
Quiet on the homefront today. Everyone great here. I plan on spending the entire day cooking for tomorrow and stamping. May not get out of my pj's. Enjoy time with your family and take care of yourself!! Hug your loved ones and my God bless ya'll!!!
Jen's Sketch Challenge

Jen at http://www.iheart2stamp.com/ gave a sketch challenge Friday. Go see!! She is such an inspiration with her work. This is the card I did. The cardstock and designer paper is from Lil Red Scrapbook Co. http://www.littleredscrapbook.com/ They have great monthly kits. The stamped images are from Stampin Up-Very Punny, and the saying is from this set but printed on the computer. The baubles are from Stampin Bella, and the ribbon/threads are from my unknown random stash. Unknown as to where it came from. I tried to download to SCS, but I can only get it to go to my gallery. Again just starting to get the hang of this computer stuff. I will be posting later in the day some more weekend challenges I have done. Take care of yourself, hug those you love, and be safe. God bless ya'll!!!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Unknown Challenge

This is the card I made for a Wednesday Challenge on SCS, but I cannot remember the challenge number. Crazy me!! I have been working all day on challenges thinking it might get me back into the card making. I did 4 and I will post them throughout the holiday weekend. For this one I used cardstock and designer paper from CTMH. The dp is discontinued, but I had some scraps left over from kit. The stamped images are from 2 different companies. The girl is from Hanna Stamps. I paper-pierced the image with paper from the kit. The saying is from Studio G stamps. The ribbon is from my stash of unknowns. See ya later!! God bless ya'll!!
Inchie Challenge

Boy, have I been slacking on blogging lately!!! I am going to get better!! I AM!!!! I AM!!!! I AM!!! School is out for little one and middle one. Big one gets out in about 3 weeks. Things should slow down. I have been spending most of my downtime lately cleaning and working in the yard. I did get my paper crafting mojo going this week some. The pics are from an inchie challenge I was given from Nina Perrin at Purple Faerie Blog http://purplefaeriepc.blogspot.com/ I am a member of her challenge team and there is some great work over there. You should take a peek! The cardstock is from a monthly kit I get from Paper Posies. http://www.paperposies.com/ The designer paper is from cherryArte. The brads are random from my stash, and the stamps are from My Favorite Things http://www.mftstamps.com/home/homepage.html It is called Can Ya Dig It. We were to make 3-7 inches--if you do not know what they are, they are squares, circles, or whatever shape that can be no larger than 1 inch. You create on this inch an item that can be used on larger projects as embellishments. The second part of our challenge was to use these in a project, which leads to the last pic. The tin is from Creative Express and the papers are the same. The stamped images were colored with CTMH markers.
I have had a very bad week with internet people. I belong to several yahoo groups, and unfortunately I belong to one that does not follow there name. I am not going to slam them by name, but I will say that there name is _____________friends, but that is not who they really are. I am not a great internet-computer user. I work most of my waking hours, so when I do come home , I like to read and see creations by people who have more time to create than I do. Unfortunately this week, someone had some extra things on this group they wanted to sell, and I needed what they were selling. I hit reply and not paying attention as well as some of these people seemed to think I should, the reply went to the group instead of the individual. This caused a major uproar. I did not respond because I was so mad at what they said to me and the other person involved. I thought these groups were for friends to share things. I do understand that some times 15 people reply to the same comment and it does get a little tiring reading the same things over and over, but me for one--remember a not so computer savy person--has enough sense to delete those repititions. I swear it does not cause calluses on your fingertips to hit the delete buttons. Now, I feel better!! I have decided to delete that group from my list, and only hang out with real friends.
Sorry for the soapbox, but it really hurt my feelings to see the things that were said. I hope ya'll have a great holiday weekend. Be safe and healthy!! God bless ya'll!!!!