Saturday, November 17, 2007

I Won!!!

OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! I won a blog candy!! Susie at emailed me today to let me know I won her blog candy. Isn't that just great??? Go take a look see. It is really some good stuff. She has a great blog, and I really admire her style. I am so CRAZY though, I emailed her back and never included my address!! I just talked back to her and explained my stupidness. I have been on call a lot this week at work and worked late some of the days I was not on call and I am really sleep deprived. I am going to bed early tonight, and maybe I will be back to normal tomorrow. I am so happy to win this candy. I kind of consider it my 1st Christmas present--Oh and by the way if you have not realized Christmas is 37 days away!!!! Take care and God bless ya'll!!!!

1 comment:

nancy said...

congrats = ) ! it's so nice to receive an unexpected blessing!!