Hope the guy in the big red suit has made his visit. These are photos of my family taken last night when we had our Christmas get together. The first pic is me and Jack. The second pic is me, my daddy, and my kids. I wish ya'll the blessings of the season and love, happiness, health and safety for the future. God is great and his blessings are plentiful. Enjoy your day with family and friends. Take care. Merry Christmas and God bless ya'll!!!!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Hope the guy in the big red suit has made his visit. These are photos of my family taken last night when we had our Christmas get together. The first pic is me and Jack. The second pic is me, my daddy, and my kids. I wish ya'll the blessings of the season and love, happiness, health and safety for the future. God is great and his blessings are plentiful. Enjoy your day with family and friends. Take care. Merry Christmas and God bless ya'll!!!!
Monday, December 24, 2007
Merry Christmas!!!

The card above is an invitation I made for my daughter and her friends dirty Santa party they do every year. I cased the idea from a card I got in a swap. The card was made by Yolanda--sorry but that is all I know of her name. If you read this let me know who you are and I will give you full credit. The dress is colored with red marker from CTMH and red glitter applied. The stamp is Winabella from Stampin Bella, and the cardstock and designer paper are from CTMH and I do not know who made the designer paper. I had gotten it to make paper ornaments, but never did, so when the girls needed these invites, I used it for that.
I want to wish everyone a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and I hope your holidays are filled with many blessings. Be safe, be healthy, be warm and may GOD BLESS YA'LL!!!!!!!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Play it forward

I participated in a Play it Forward several weeks ago, and I received my "happy" last week. It was these images from Patti
The object of the game is to keep "happies" going all around. It is now my turn to offer a play it forward. If you would like to participate, leave a comment. I will pick 3 names and I will send each of you a "happie". You in turn will offer it on your blog and you will have to send to those wanting to play. It is really fun, and I hope I get some good participation. It can be anything, images, ribbon, paper, embellishments, whatever you would like. Hope to hear from you soon. God bless ya'll.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Ho! Ho! Ho!

Merry Christmas!! My little one had his 3rd grade play last night and he was Santa. These are some of the fun pictures from the night. The first one is him in his suit. The school supplied the suit, but it fit me. I had to make it fit him. I made him a bolster out of pillows that he could slide on and off. When he got to school for the morning performance, he could not fit in his desk. Check out those bare feet. It was 70 degrees here that morning and he was so hot, but he was a real trooper and did not fuss. He did wear shoes in the play. He looks like he has been squished in a compactor, and made into a miniature Santa. The next pic is an upclose of his face. I love the glasses. The last is him with his elf ( had several elves at first, but they would not learn their parts, so the music teacher fired them, he said) and his reindeer. It was a great play and the kids did wonderful. The title was "40 Winks for Christmas."
Now I can finish my shopping and start cooking. It has really been a hectic week, but the weekend should be calmer. The big kids are out of school, and everyone did wonderful with their grades. We have 1 semester of nursing school down and boy am I glad. Little buddie gets out Tuesday. Mu oldest is home for the holidays and he and Carre's boyfriend are heavy into hunting. We are going out to eat and celebrate exams being over with my daughter in a little while, so I guess I better go for now. I will see ya tomorrow with some cards I am finishing as gifts sets for teachers and friends. Take care and God bless ya'll!!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
I've been tagged!

I was checking my mail a little while ago, and I have been tagged by Tangi http://tangerinesdreamcreations.blogspot.com/. She has a great blog and some wonderful creations. Ok, 7 things about myself:
1. I am an only child.
2. Tangi, I locked my keys in the car one time with my 15 month old in the car!! I got out to run in the beauty shop for a quick second, and automatically locked the doors. We did not have AAA then, and I had to get my husband to leave work and bring an extra set of keys. BIG TROUBLE!!!!
3. I love country music.
4. I love paper piercing, especially the clothes on the Bellas.
5. I plan on semi retiring from nursing as soon as I get my big kids out of college. I want to only work 2-3 days a week and the other time I want to spend it playing with my paper products and making my pottery. I make pottery, but I have not done much lately. Here is a link to my blog if anyone wants to look http://roughedgespottery.blogspot.com/
6. I spend a week in Florida every summer with my kids. We love Destin.
7. My kids are 22 y/o, 20 y/o and 9 y/o. I had a little surprise package
that keeps my young. I delivered at 41!!! All healthy and he is an absolute angel.
I think at this point I am to tag some others, so here it goes. I tag
1. Dawn Easton http://treasureoilerdesignz.blogspot.com/
2. Carol Weimer http://papersnob.blogspot.com/
3. Michelle http://www.bellakittycreations.blogspot.com/
4. Nancy Morgan http://papersmiles.blogspot.com/
Hope you ladies have fun with this, and I will be checking to see what your answers are. Have a great evening and God bless ya'll.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Jen's Sketch Challenge

Just a quick note to say I hope everyone is fine and their weekend has been blessed. Mine has and I will be talking about that later. Enjoy your day and God bless ya'll!!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Bag Tags

I received notice this weekend that my card I did for the monthly CTMHfriends group on yahoo won. It is the O Come Let Us Adore Him card that it on a earlier post. It won the sketch challenge. There were some awesome cards done last month, and I want to congratulate everyone for doing such great work. There are really some gals on there with some wonderful talent. I hope ya'll are doing fine. Quiet here on the homefront. School is winding down for all and I think I will be as excited as they are when Christmas break arrives. I better get some rest. I went back to work today, and I am really exhausted. Take care and may God bless ya'll. See ya soon here on the blog.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Friday, November 23, 2007
Life Moments

I had a wonderful life moment today, and I needed it worse than you can ever imagine. We had a very light day at work today and we only ran the call teams. The house supervisor called for a 2nd tech to come to OB and help with a stat c-section. I did not have one available, so I went upstairs to see what was going on. When I walked in the door, the physician on call said she had a woman in labor and the baby had gotten into distress and we had to go now. She said , you know how to scrub, come on and I did without even thinking. I have not scrubbed a c-section in years, and really only scrubbed to assist a few times in the past 10 years!! We delivered a big, healthy baby boy in about 12 minutes. It was cool!!! Mom was awake and she was great. She was thanking everyone for doing things so fast and helping her. It was a life moment for sure.
In honor of this little one, I posted this card. I did this several weeks ago for a challenge, but was waiting closer to Christmas to post it. I think today is the perfect day for it. The entire card is from the Everlasting paper packet from Close to My Heart. The other item on the card that is not CTMH are the baubles from Stampin Bella. The stamp and sentiments are in the Let Us Adore Him set. The sentiment on the inside of the card that you can barely see in the bottom right corner is the scripture Luke 2:12. The colors used are Cranberry, Ponderosa Pine, and Desert Sand. I hope ya'll have moments like this in your life. Take care and God bless ya'll!!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

I would like to wish ya'll a wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving. I hope your day is filled with love and happiness with family and friends. I have been cooking all morning and this is my first break. We plan on eating with my sister-in-law at 1 and with my family here at 6 tonight. I am on call, but so far things are quiet. It is a crisp cool day her. The temperature dropped 24 degrees over night after a cold front came through. The ground is wet, but it is a beautiful day.
The card above is one I made for one of my daughter's friends 21st birthday. The inside says Happy 21st Birthday in black glitter letters. The cs and background paper are from my random stock. The bella is presentabella, and she is paper pierced with some of the random paper I have. The ribbon and flower are scraps and left overs from previous creations. Just a quick throw together, and not very Thanksgiving, but I thought you might enjoy. Have a great day and God bless ya'll.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Bella with a Twist

I was in a swap called Bella/Fella with a twist. You were to take a bella or a fella and do a Christmas card. It was supposed to have a twist to it instead of being completely traditional. This is my version. I used CTMH paper packet-More to Adore with pink big brads. I used brown baubles as an accent. The ribbon is also from CTMH. I embossed the brown cs with my snowflake pattern in my Cuttlebug. I received my package this week and all the cards were great. Thanks to Shannon for getting this together, and to Venlanda, Ami, Korin, Cris, and Susan. I love all of the cards. This was a great swap.
It is raining here and pretty yucky. It has rained almost all day. I think the weather is supposed to be better tomorrow. I spent most of the day the cooking things the kids and hubby could snack on the rest of the week. They are all home for the holiday week. I started thawing my turkey in the fridge today. I am going to start cooking Tuesday for Thanksgiving. I hope everyone has a great week and ya'll are blessed with family and friends for the holiday. I will see ya later on the blog. God bless ya'll!!!!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
I Won!!!
http://susiestampalot.blogspot.com/ emailed me today to let me know I won her blog candy. Isn't that just great??? Go take a look see. It is really some good stuff. She has a great blog, and I really admire her style. I am so CRAZY though, I emailed her back and never included my address!! I just talked back to her and explained my stupidness. I have been on call a lot this week at work and worked late some of the days I was not on call and I am really sleep deprived. I am going to bed early tonight, and maybe I will be back to normal tomorrow. I am so happy to win this candy. I kind of consider it my 1st Christmas present--Oh and by the way if you have not realized Christmas is 37 days away!!!! Take care and God bless ya'll!!!!
Boy Scout Treats

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Well, I am still feeling pretty yukey. I hope tomorrow will be better. I have got to get better soon, because this is not me--I hate to sit around and do nothing. I did venture to Wally World (Walmart) today and bought the kids some new play station tapes they had been wanting. Guitar Hero and Backyard Football. All my children and boyfriend have been in my little one's room since we got the tapes. They are really fun. Thanks goodness I cooked a large supper because I was not expecting all for supper. Ya'll take care and I will see ya later. God bless ya'll!!!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
See no evil; Hear no evil; Speak no evil--Merry Christmas

Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Good Friends, Good Wine, Good Times

Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Bella Luggage Tag

Sunday, November 4, 2007
Bella Babe Entry

Hope ya'll are well and your weekend has been great. I am heading to bed soon. Stayed up too late yesterday working on cards. Take care and God bess ya'll.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Criss Cross Card 2

Saturday, October 27, 2007

I had a little extra time last night and I threw this card together. I just got this bella stamp a few weeks ago, and I have been wanting to work with it. The card base and background paper is from the Life Delights paper packet from Close to my Heart. This ribbon is random from my sack of ribbons. The sentiment is also from CTMH-Playful Petals, and we all know the stamp is Huggiebella from StampinBella. Hope you enjoy!!
Friday, October 26, 2007
High Hopes Stamps

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Wow!! I heard from Kristine today at PaperPretties yahoo group and I won this weeks sewing challenge. I am having so much fun with these challenges. The post prior to this one has the card I submitted. Every Monday they give out a challenge and you have until Sunday to submit it. This coming Monday they are having a Stampin in Your Jammies on the yahoo group. I have never been involved in one of these, but everything I read sounds like they have a great time. Mondays are kind of bad for me sometimes due to time, homework, soccer, and work, but I am really going to try and be involved. I will let you know how it turns out.
Ok, I hardly ever get into politics or controversial issues on here, BUT-------
The World Series is another story. GO BOSTON REDSOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's it. Time to go watch the game. God bless ya'll!!!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Weekly challenge card--Sewing

I did this card for the weekly challenge on Paper Pretties. This week it was a sew challenge. This card stock and background paper are from a kit I have had for some time. The ribbon is from my stash. The stamps are: the girls are from My Favorite Things--Think Pink; the sentiment is from Celebrate Life from CTMH; and the faux stitchings are from Simple Stitches by CTMH. I took my corner rounder and scalloped the edges of the under layer cardstock. Again as usual the clothes on the girls are paper pierced. I just cannot color lately.
We have had a great week and I hope you have also. Oldest son had a mid term and another huge test this week at Mississippi State--2nd highest grade on both tests. YOU GO BOY!!!! Has just about decided to finish in May instead of graduate in December. This way he will have two degrees--one in marketing and one in real estate. They had a tornado this week right off campus. Thank God I did not know until it was all over. He was at his house and they sent out a code maroon to all students--this means if you are in class stay there; if you are on campus get to a safe shelter, and if you are off campus stay put. No one was hurt, what a blessing!! Daughter had her first real patient in clinical. She really had a great time and apparently did real well. Her mid term grades are good also. Unfortunately over half of her class is on academic probation. Her friends that are in class with her are also doing well, but one is on probation. She has started studying with Carre to hopefully help her understand better. Last, but not least little buddie had straight A's on his report card. I am so proud of all my children!! I have never really had to worry about their grades. Sometimes if they were not good, they would double up and do great the next time.
Wishing all a blessed week and please continue to pray for our troops and there families. Remember all those affected by breast cancer and put them in your prayers also. May God bless ya'll!!!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Breast Cancer Awareness Card

This is a card I did for Breast Cancer Awareness. I just got this stamp set last week. I just love these stamps!! The stamp and saying are from My Favorite Things. The card stock is CTMH and the background paper is from Junkitz the Shabby Chic Collection. The ric rac ribbon is from my stash---could not even begin to remember where that came from. The brads are the large ones from CTMH. The pink ribbons are stamps from the set and I put Crystal Effects on them so the would look like real pins. It is hard to tell in the pic, but they look like pins. They are pop dotted. I hope all have taken care of themselves and gotten your mammograms or had your breast exams this month. I had to cancel mine due to work, but I rescheduled today. This is very important gals!! The only way to beat this thing is to ban together and fight!!! Take care and God bless ya'll!!!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Prayers Needed
I Won!!!

I thought I would post something a little different tonight. These are some tags I made several years ago for a family swap I was in. This was the Grandmother part. The saying on the small one is "Grandmas are moms with lots of frosting" and the saying on the big one is "It is such a grand thing to be a mother to a mother...that's why the world calls her Grandmother". Found these this weekend while cleaning up.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
New Stamps

I got some new stamps this weekend from My Favorite Things and I love them. The card above is for their weekly challenge. This week's challenge was a sketch challenge. This is my card I did. I used the stamp set "How Sweet It Is". The card stock is sunny yellow from Close to My Heart and the background paper is from an old CTMH kit. The brads and ribbons are from my stash. The flower is a chipboard piece with CTMH flowers attached to it. The bling flowers are from CTMH also. This is the first challenge I have ever attempted. It was really fun.
Life is wonderful here. The kids are doing great in school and with their personal lives. Little one is out of school tomorrow for fall break and we have spend the night company. His two best friends are twins, and they are staying over tonight. They are all outside playing football and some of the neighborhood kids are playing also. We just had pizza delivered in and they demolished it!! Hubby has been home this weekend, and he is finally back on his regular schedule. I really relaxed this weekend. I cleaned out some drawers and got rid of extra toys, but that is really all I did. We went to church this am and then out for lunch. It was nice. We have not been able to do that lately because Jack has been out of town so much. Guess I better be going. Time for me to get ready for another week at work. Take care and God bless ya'll!!!!
Sunday, October 7, 2007

Been playing this weekend, and came up with these. I think she is so cute!!!! Have you taken advantage of Em's no shipping cost this weekend on any bella/fella stamps or items ordered? Hurry over to Stampin Bella http://www.stampingbella.com/index.php and check it out. It ends tonight at midnight. I got some new stamps this weekend from The Cat's Pajamas and High Hopes Stamps. IF you are not familiar with these stamps you need to go look. http://www.highhopesstamps.com/ and
All the family is fine. Hope yours the same. Little buddie's soccer team beat the #1 team Tuesday night!! He has been so excited since and has been practicing every chance he gets to keep on winning. #1 son really into hunting now and daughter doing fine in school. She starts her clinicals next week--she's pretty nervous. Hubby going back on regular work hours this week. He will be back home on Thursday night and off Friday and weekend. These 10 days on the road are not good for him. I don't ever think I have seen him be so down in all the years I have known him. He really perked up this weekend though. Well I better go. God bless ya'll!!!!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Special Request
This is blog candy being given away, but the reason is for a very loving family who needs all our prayers. This is the message that goes along with the candy.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Blog Candy for a Cause
Well I am new to the blogging world (since July…is that still new?) and I have seen lots of Blog candy out there, so I hope this wets the appetite a little in comparison to the others out there. Instead of just having everyone leave comments to get an entry for the blog candy, I have decided to ask you for something in return…a RAK card for some special people.Recently, my family’s lives have been touched by the plight of some friends of friends (but I am claiming them as our friends now too!). Michael and Alissa Dunn and their son Isaiah were blessed with beautiful twin baby girls on July 4, 2007. The pregnancy went fantastic and the twins were full term without any issues. Madeline Ora and Isabella Grace were wonderful additions to the family. Around the end of August, Michael and Alissa noticed that Maddie’s abdomen was a little swollen and firm, but she was acting completely normal. A few days later at the girl’s 2 month check-up, the pediatrician took one look at Maddie’s abdomen and sent them to the hospital for x-rays. A CAT scan shortly after revealed that Maddie had a large cancerous tumor called neuroblastoma Stage 4S. To give you an idea, this tumor has grown to about the size of a softball in her tiny body.Once checked-in at Children’s Hospital in Detroit, Michigan, the doctors quickly decided to take a look at identical twin Bella. Unfortunately, Bella was also diagnosed with neuroblastoma. According to their doctors, this is only the 9th reported case of twins have neuroblastoma at the same time. Both girls have undergone one round of chemotherapy and are beginning their second. You can see pictures and read their story from their own words at their website: http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/dunntwins_.So as I hold my son a littler tighter and we pray together for the Lord to lay his healing hand on the ouchies in Maddie’s and Bella’s bellies, I thought it might be nice to let them know that prayers are being said all over the country and maybe the world for these two little girls and their family. As I read the journal entries on their website, I am amazed by the strength and faith that Michael, Alissa, and their families have shown.So I put together a special blog candy in which to get an entry, you need to mail me a RAK card for Maddie & Bella and/or for the family, that I will then place in a shoebox (hopefully I fill it!) and mail to them. So if you have the time, please make a card, sign it with your best wishes, post a picture of it to SCS (if you are able) with keyword bcfac07 so all can see it, and mail it to me. You can get an extra 2 entries if you advertise this Blog Candy for a Cause on your own blog…just make sure to leave me a comment so I can come visit the blog.
I would like all cards to be mailed to me by October 15! So get Crafty!!Thank you all for helping me pray and hopefully lift the spirits of the Dunn Family!Note: If you don’t normally take pictures of your cards or don’t post them to SCS, let me know and I will take a picture of the card when I receive it and post it to SCS.
Mail cards to:
Andrea Vernagus
Blog Candy for a Cause
2797 Warwick Dr.Bloomfield, MI 48304
We in the blogging world can put all our prayers together and bless this family. I cannot imagine one of my children being sick like this, much less two who have just joined this world and so young. Send your cards, thoughts and prayers. I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES!!!
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Heidi's Swap #2

Monday, October 1, 2007
Heidi's Swap

Hope all is well. I have been on call 4 out of 7 days last week and as usual I worked. My next paycheck should be GOOD!!!! All the family is fine. Little buddie is doing fine in school and so is the other two. Hubby came home for 4 days and then back on the road Monday for 10 more days. That is another reason I have been MIA for several days. Had to spend time with hubby--he really was feeling sorry for himself being gone for such a long time. Hunting season with a bow started today and #1 son is happy. He is an avid hunter and loves this time of year more than others. He is home from school for two extra days this week because they are on Fall Break. The other two do not get this, but Mississippi State does. The other two are mad, but they will get over it. They get longer Thanksgiving break than he does. I guess I will get going. Doss has come in from hunting and wants to get on the computer to see if any of his friends killed anything. Have a good evening and God Bless!!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Wednesday, September 19, 2007
That's about it for tonight. I should be back tomorrow. Take care and God bless ya'll!!!!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Teachers happy #1

This card is one of a set I made this weekend for Simon's teacher. He asked me to make her some for a happy. This paper came in my new monthly kit from Paper Posies. The flower was also a part of the kit. The brads are the bigger brads from CTMH and the stamp is teacherbella. I made 6 cards and envelopes, 2 of each design. He took them to school yesterday. I will post the others sometime this week.
Thanks for all the comments about Doss and his fish. One comment asked where in Mississippi I live. It is a little town in the delta region called Greenwood. We are about 1 1/2 hours from Jackson and about 3 hours from Memphis. Hope ya'll are well and blessed. Time for me to get little buddie in/out of the shower and study time. Take care and I will see ya'll tomorrow. God bless all!!
Monday, September 17, 2007

OK, this is my oldest, Doss, with his big catfish. This fish weighed 65 pounds and he dove under water and pulled it out. It is called handgrabbing and they put boxes in the rivers around here and the fish bed up in them. They go down and feel for a fish, then they get someone to stand in front of the box and they dive back down and put their hand in it's mouth and pull it out. Is that crazy or what? I will not go and even watch. Doss is the one holding the fish and the other guy is one of his friends who goes with him a lot. I wish they would find some other fun past time. Anyway they love this. There is a season here in Mississippi every year. After they catch the fish they let him go so they can catch him again another day.
Quiet here on the home front. We had a soccer game tonight and lost, but he loves to play and does not seem to be upset about the loss. They have not won a game yet. They did play this team the other day in a scrimmage, and we played much better today than the other day. This is Simon's first year to play. My older kids were big into soccer when they were younger, but he has played basketball, baseball, and tennis only up until this year. He just loves to play. We are not the best by any means, but he has the best attitude. His coach always talks about his spirit and how he comes to every practice and pumps up the team.
Time to study for tests we have tomorrow and get to bed. Take care ya'll and I will post something hand made tomorrow. TTFN and God bless all!!!!
Sunday, September 16, 2007

I hope everyone had a blessed weekend and rested. I have been cleaning, started painting Simon's room and card making. I did this little number yesterday. The paper is from the Stylin CTMH paper packet. The stamp is from the Stampin Up set Friendship Flowers. I did my first attempt at faux stitching---I free handed it. I do not have a template to go by. The flower brads are from Picture Perfect Scrapbook Company. I punched the circles with my small round punch and the pink round brads are from CTMH, the bigger size. I love this pink and black combination.
I am settling in for another week. We have a soccer game tomorrow night. After that it is pretty quiet until the weekend and I am on call again Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We have this new thing starting tomorrow at school. The kids will be given a debit card and we will be given a username and password for our child. This will enable us to see what your child is eating each day, and we will be able to know how much money is on the debit card and when we need to send more. We will be able to handle all of it on line. I am excited because I never know what he is eating, and I just send money each Monday. I think last year at the end of the year we had money left over. I know we did. Needless to say they did not refund me or roll it over to this year. We also are starting this year to be able to go on line and keep up with their grades. They have been doing this for about a year and a half, but we have just gotten old enough to be included.
My oldest came home this weekend. He is getting ready to hunt. You will be hearing a lot about him during this time because we will see a lot more of him. He got 3 packages delivered this week and it was all hunting stuff. He is really neat about this hunting. He is very selective about what he will shoot. He has 3-4 cameras in the woods year round. He knows the deer, names them and almost protects them from crazy hunters. He lives and dreams hunting, always has. He videos some of his trips and does commentary with it. He is a really a neat young man--almost said kid, but he is now 22. He always finds time to spend with his little brother when he is home. Somewhere on this computer, I have a picture of him with a 60 pound catfish he hand grabbed last year. I will have to find it and post it. It is impressive.
Well supper is almost ready and the laundry needs to go in the dryer. Have a blessed week ya'll and stay healthy, happy and safe. Please continue to pray for our troop and their families. GOD BLESS YA"LL!!!!!
Saturday, September 15, 2007

I cannot believe I planned ahead on something. I am a very last minute person. I seem to do my best when under pressure. Any of you the same???? I have to do teacher snacks next Friday, so I made this card today to go with them. The first pic is the card and the second is the inside. The cardstock and background paper are from CTMH. This is a very old paper packet I have had for several years. I don't believe they make it anymore. The stamps are Stampin Up. They are also very old and not made anymore. I have always loved this combination. The bella is teacherbella. The ribbon is from some blog candy I won a while back. The letters are Bounce from Sizzix. I got them on sale the other day at Creative Express--like $38.00. They have really had some good deals lately.
I spent the day taking it easy. I made some cards and watched football. I am a REAL football fan, probably like it more than my husband. Late this afternoon, I cut my dad's grass and my daughters. Hubby usually does it but he has been home only a day or two lately, so I did it for him. He is used to his 4 day weekends and when his schedule is like it is now, I try to do some of his chores to help. We have a big riding lawn mower so cutting the grass is like easy. My daughter got her grades last week on her first nursing test. SHE PASSED and she also had her vital signs checkoff and she passed that also. I do not believe I have ever seen her as uptight about something as she was these tests. I also do not believe I have ever seen her study as much as she has been. Could we be growing up???
I have been looking at the cards and things on the bellahollics anonymous group photo page and ladies you girls are good!! They are having a VSBN this weekend. The challenges have been really neat and fun. I was to tired from the week to try and participate, but after seeing how much fun they are having I plan to join in on the next one. Guess I better call it a night. I will see ya'll tomorrow. Take care and God bless ya'll.
Friday, September 14, 2007

I am back!!! It has been a very long and tiring week for me. TGIF!!! Last post I was called out to the hospital while I was posting. I worked all night!!!!!!!!! I came home at 8am the next morning and went to bed. Since I lost a day in this week, I feel like I have been a day behind all week. Finally yesterday I got back to normal, and would you believe I had to work last night until 9:30. Supposed to get off at 3, and went in at 7. I have always loved call, but I am not adjusting to it like I thought I would. Anyway, yesterday morning before work, I put this card together. This is some of my new stamping stuff that came in over the past week and a half. The card is from a Close to My Heart paper packet called Sonata. The stamp is musicbella. The colors used are Hollyhock, Spring Iris, Chocolate, and Buttercup. If you are not familiar with CTMH--pink, lavender, brown and a soft yellow. I really love their scrapbook paper. There are lots of new kits in the new winter catty, that just came out in September. The sentiment is from one of there stamp sets-The Music of Life. My little one loves his school music teacher and he has always wanted me to make her some cards. When I saw this paper and stamp set, I knew I had to have it. It just happened that about the time I saw the paper, Stampin Bella came out with Musicbella. Just worked out perfect for me!! The eyelets are CTMH and the ribbon is some I have collected over the years.
I got a sweet email from Kari, the blog candy winner this week. She received the package and was very excited. I hope we will have some of her artwork to show soon. I asked her to send me some pics when she made some stuff with the goodies. Hubby has to work all weekend, so I plan to play with my papers. I hope to have some more things to show tomorrow. TTFN!! God bless ya'll!!!
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Card Candy

I have had several people email to check on me this weekend because I had no new blog entries. Thank you all for your concern. I have been on call and when not working I have been doing the above. Oh no!! I have just been called back to the hospital. Talk later. God bless ya'll!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, September 6, 2007

The card is soooooo cute. The pic does not do it justice. There is lots of glitter on it. I love shinies!! Thank you Debbie, and if you need anything else let me know.
Hope everyone is fine. We just got in from soccer and finished supper. Little buddie is studying and we will finish the project after he finishes studying. TGIAF--Thank God its almost Friday!!! I am so tired. I had to do another shift this week--10-6--instead of my regular 7-3. I do not like it. Tomorrow is my last day and they want me to come in at 7 tomorrow, but be obligated until 6. We'll see how it goes. Fridays are my favorite days because I work with my favorite doc all day. Well it's project time and I will see ya'll tomorrow---MY STAMPING ORDER CAME IN TODAY--YEAH!!!!! I just do not have time to play with it, but the weekend will be here soon. Maybe then we will see more than just bellas, but I don't know. I sure do like those ladies and gents. God bless all!!!!!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I have gone all bella lately. I am going to have to get back into my other stamps soon and make things with them. I have an order coming in tomorrow with new paper, stamps, and embellishments--that should get me going in some other direction, but I just love these bellas. ( I also have an order with new bellas on the way also--ha ha ha!) Speaking of orders, Creative Express really has some good sale items on right now if you use Sizzix. Check it out.
I received a comment from Jo on my blog about what the bellas were. Jo I tried to email you directly, but it would not bring up your email addy, so I will talk with you here. These stamps have been out for several months and they are so cute. There is a bella or fella for just about any role in life. They also have sentiments, borders and other stamps, charms, bling items and acrylic bases for your stamps. I am enclosing the addy below. Emily is the bella mom and she is great. http://www.stampingbella.com/index.php Please go look!!Hope you join the bella craze. If you need me to answer any more questions or want to just talk my email is paperblessingstoyou@yahoo.com. Oh yea, thanks for visiting my blog!!!!
The card above is from an old Close to My Heart paper packet. The colors are key lime and amethyst. It was a spring kit from about 4 years ago. The bella is stampinbella. As you all know she is paper dolled--I AM going to color one someday--and so is her rolling bag. The ribbon is some I have had for a while and the eyelets are key lime from CTMH.
I am on call tomorrow and little buddie has his first project due Friday so I may not be back on until Friday or Saturday. We have most of the project done, we just have to put it on the poster board. It is about "My Community". We used the Sizzix to make the letters for the title--he loves to do the lever and cut letters out. We have taken some pics, drawn some pics, and cut some out of magazines. This is always a fun time for us. I thought it was due Monday, but I was wrong. I will post a pic when we finish. Time for me to go. My bed is calling me. I wish ya'll the best and may God bless all.
Monday, September 3, 2007

Well my rib injury had gotten a lot better until I jumped up to answer the phone yesterday. I tripped over a throw pillow that had fallen off the couch. When I tried to get my balance, someone had left their shoes (HUBBY) in the middle of the floor and needless to say---DOWN I WENT!!!!! My hubby tried to catch me (with a cup of coffee in his hand) and you can guess---the coffee went all over both of us. It is kind of funny now, but I was not a happy camper all day yesterday. It is not as bad as it was, but it really hurts. I do not know if I will ever get my little boys room painted. That was today's project--NOT. I hope I will be able to get to it the latter part of this week. I just have to slow down again and let it reheal.
I hope ya'll have a great week and are very blessed. I will be back tomorrow with some more creations. Pray for our soldiers and their families. TTFN!